Friday, April 1, 2011

Lighthouses of Australia

Dan is an amazing husband and soon was caught up in my quest to conquer the lighthouses of Australia. This was a grand plan as I love the ocean, live near it and feel the most grounded when I am within eye or ear shot of the beach. So this quest would ensure we would travel to all parts of Australia making the most of the coast. We had Eddy the eagle (camper trailer) so we were ready to set sail, so to speak.

How many Lighthouses are there in Australia? There are are just over 400 lighthouses across Australia including some located on islands just off shore so our quest would include road, sea and air travel.

The Quest? Over the next 5 years we plan to visit every lighthouse in Australia, blog my way through the journey and experience Australia.....

The Blog: We have already visited 6 lighthouses to date so the next few entries will get this blog up to date..... wish us luck!

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